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10 Day Paramotor School Curriculum

Day 1: Introduction and Safety Briefing

  • Morning:

    • Welcome and Introduction to Paramotoring

    • Overview of the Training Program

    • Safety Briefing and Equipment Introduction

  • Afternoon:

    • Ground School: Basic Aerodynamics

    • Introduction to Paramotor Equipment

    • Safety Checks and Pre-flight Inspections

Day 2: Ground Handling Basics

  • Morning:

    • Practical Ground Handling Techniques

    • Introduction to Wing Control

    • Simulator Exercises

  • Afternoon:

    • Ground Handling Drills

    • Basic Kiting and Control Exercises

Day 3: Introduction to In-Flight Controls

  • Morning:

    • Classroom Session: In-Flight Controls and Principles

    • Simulator Practice: Understanding Weight Shift and Brake Input

  • Afternoon:

    • Skill-Building Exercises: In-Flight Control Drills

    • Debrief and Q&A Session

Day 4: Solo Ground Handling

  • Morning:

    • Solo Ground Handling Practice

    • Advanced Kiting Techniques

  • Afternoon:

    • Introduction to Paramotor Engine Start-up and Shut-down

    • Engine Warm-up and Basic Maintenance

Day 5: First Solo Flights

  • Morning:

    • Solo Flights with Instructor Guidance

    • Emphasis on Takeoff and Landing Techniques

  • Afternoon:

    • Review of Solo Flights

    • Video Analysis and Feedback Session

Day 6: Navigation and Weather Awareness

  • Morning:

    • Classroom Session: Navigation Basics

    • Weather Awareness and its Impact on Paramotoring

  • Afternoon:

    • Practical Exercises: Navigation Drills

    • Understanding Wind Patterns

Day 7: Advanced Flight Maneuvers

  • Morning:

    • Classroom Session: Advanced Flight Techniques

    • Hands-on Practice: Spirals, Wingovers, and S-turns

  • Afternoon:

    • Individual Flight Sessions with Focus on Advanced Maneuvers

    • Debrief and Skill Assessment

Day 8: Emergency Procedures

  • Morning:

    • Classroom Session: Emergency Landing Procedures

    • Reserve Parachute Deployment Training

  • Afternoon:

    • Practical Exercises: Emergency Scenarios

    • Review and Debrief

Day 9: Cross-Country Flight Planning

  • Morning:

    • Classroom Session: Cross-Country Flight Planning

    • Navigation Challenges and Solutions

  • Afternoon:

    • Group Flight: Cross-Country Navigation

    • Real-time Decision Making

Day 10: Final Assessments and Graduation

  • Morning:

    • Individual Flight Assessments

    • Skill Evaluation and Feedback

  • Afternoon:

    • Graduation Ceremony

    • Celebration and Closing Remarks


Comprehensive Syllabus and In-Depth Overview of the Exciting Journey Ahead for the Next 10 Days.

Before Training Begins (Time: 0:15)

A. Limitations:

  • i. Student Flights with Instructor Approval Only

      • Explanation: Highlight the importance of instructor approval before any solo flights.

      • Restricted Airspace: Explain the prohibited airspaces (airport proximity, populated areas, military zones, etc.) and the consequences of violating them.

        • Enactment: Emphasize that restricted airspace can be enacted at any time.

        • Penalties: Discuss the severe penalties, including the possibility of being forcibly brought down.

  • ii. Student Kiting Restrictions

      • Explanation: Emphasize that kiting should only be done under specific conditions or with instructor approval.

      • Wind Limits: Set wind limits and times of day for kiting activities.

  • iii. Motor Starting Protocol

      • Explanation: Highlight that the motor should only be started when directed by the instructor and in the manner specified.

B. Risk Awareness and Disclosure:

  • i. Risks on Ground

      • Falling: Discuss the risk of falling during ground activities.

      • Propeller Contact: Emphasize the importance of avoiding contact with the propeller.

      • Collisions: Highlight the risks of being hit by a flyer or their gear.

      • Dragging, Lifting, Snagging: Discuss potential risks during kiting or wing handling.

      • Other: Include any additional risks identified by the instructor.

  • ii. Risks In Flight

      • Wing Collapse: Discuss the possibility and consequences of wing collapse.

      • Obstacle Collision: Emphasize the importance of avoiding collisions with obstacles.

      • Bad Landing: Highlight the risks associated with improper landings.

      • Mid-Air Incidents: Discuss the potential risks of mid-air incidents.

      • Other: Include any additional risks identified by the instructor.

  • iii. Fill out and Sign Forms

      • Provide necessary forms for students to fill out and sign, acknowledging their understanding of the risks involved.

C. Payment Plans and Expectations:

  • i. Training Sessions/Days and Stipulations

      • Specify the number of training sessions/days and any stipulations for completion.

  • ii. Cost Breakdown and Inclusions

      • Detail the cost of training and what is included in the training package.

      • Forms: Ensure students sign relevant forms related to cost and inclusions.

  • iii. Gear Provided and Replacement Policy

      • Specify what gear is provided (if any) and outline the policy for replacing damaged gear.

  • iv. Ratings Offered and Requirements

      • Explain the ratings offered and the requirements for achieving them.

      • Emphasize that ratings are based on demonstrated skills, knowledge, and experience, with no guarantee of attainment.

PPG 1 Knowledge (Time: 3:00 including classroom, field & video)

A. Inflight:

  • i. Importance of Landing into the Wind

      • Explanation: Highlight the significance of landing into the wind for better control and safety during the landing process.

      • Exception: Better to land off the wind somewhat than risk oscillation or banking during the landing.

  • ii. Importance and Reasoning for Avoiding Low, Downwind Operations

      • Explanation: Emphasize the risks associated with low, downwind operations and the importance of avoiding them for safety reasons.

  • iii. Torque Effects and Implications

      • Explanation: Discuss the effects of torque, including turns, motor twist, and potential for riser twist. Highlight the importance of reducing power if torque effects become significant.

  • iv. Brakes Control and Throttle Use

      • Brakes: Explain how brakes control speed and temporarily affect altitude.

      • Throttle: Emphasize its use for controlling altitude, with exceptions for slow flight.

  • v. Wake Turbulence

      • Explanation: Describe wake turbulence, particularly its effects from heavy, clean, and slow aircraft.

      • Sinks: Mention the descent rate (300-500 fpm) and the duration (up to 2 minutes).

      • Maneuver: Advise on flying through wake turbulence in a 360-degree turn.

  • vi. Brakes - Maximum Safe Amounts and Risks of Exceeding

      • Explanation: Discuss the maximum safe use of brakes and the risks associated with exceeding these limits, including the potential for stall or spin.

  • vii. Recognizing Wind Direction

      • Training on how to recognize wind direction and its importance during flight.

  • viii. Throttle Use

      • Clarification: Highlight that the throttle primarily controls altitude and can cause a swing in the process.

B. Existence of FAR 103, Restricted Airspace:

    • Explanation: Inform about the existence of FAR 103 (Federal Aviation Regulations for ultralights) and the significance of understanding these regulations before progressing beyond supervised solo flights.

C. Acceptable Flight Locations:

    • Explanation: Emphasize the importance of the student gaining knowledge to read sectional charts and call Flight Service Station (FSS) to determine the legality of flight locations.

D. USPPA’s Risk & Reward Video:

    • Recommendation: Advise students to watch the USPPA's "Risk & Reward" video.

    • Timing: Suggest watching the video after spending time in the simulator.

    • Modification: Replace "Hands Up, Power off" with "reduce power, reduce brakes, then steer."

E. PPG 1 Written Test:

    • Requirement: Emphasize the need for students to pass the PPG 1 written test.

    • Review: Go over any missed questions on the written test for better understanding.

"PPG 1 Pre-Solo Ground Handling (No Motor)" section of the paramotor training curriculum:

PPG 1 Pre-Solo Ground Handling (No Motor) - Time: 4:00

Best covered in a situation where the student can be shown and practice with the equipment.

A. Relevant Parts of the Paraglider:

    • Identification and explanation of key components: carabiner, risers, brake toggles, lines, trimmers, speedbar, and other accessories as equipped.

B. Use of Ground Handling Harness:

    • Demonstration and practice of using the ground handling harness.

C. Dangers of Kiting:

    • Explanation of the risks involved in kiting, including being dragged, cut, injured, or killed.

D. Use of Safety Gear:

    • Overview and demonstration of safety gear usage, including helmets, gloves, and any other relevant equipment.

E. Preparing Wing:

    • i. Properly laying out the wing.

    • ii. Techniques for avoiding tangles and removing knots.

    • iii. Verification of clear lines.

    • iv. Emphasis on proper wing layout.

F. Hooking in (General):

    • i. Readiness to handle the wing before clipping in to avoid being lifted or dragged.

    • ii. Importance of verifying correct riser positioning, brake position, and freedom.

G. Hooking in Reversed:

    • Practical instruction on hooking in reversed.

H. Hooking in Forward:

    • Explanation of why proper layout is critical for successful hooking in forward.

I. Inflation Reversed with Dampening (6+ mph or so):

    • Demonstration and practice of inflation in reversed positions with dampening in specific wind conditions.

J. Inflation Forward (Light Wind, Some Wind, Dampening):

    • Demonstration and practice of forward inflations in various wind conditions.

K. Turning Around from Reversed to Forward and Vice-Versa:

    • Practical techniques for turning around from reversed to forward and vice versa.

L. Kiting Forward:

    • Emphasis on the importance of turning and moving forward immediately for improved control.

M. High Winds:

    • i. Explanation of the risks associated with high winds, such as getting dragged, lifted, or caught in lines.

    • ii. Discussion on how wind can escalate quickly and the minimal conditions that can be risky.

    • iii. Description of rotor/mechanical turbulence and its heightened danger in stronger winds.

    • iv. Strategies for minimizing risk, including brake pressure management.

    • v. Techniques for de-powering the wing using brakes, B/C/D-line pull, and grabbing fabric.

    • vi. Instructions on what to do if lifted or dragged in high winds.

N. Using Throttle:

    • Kiting with a dummy throttle (if available) and quickly accessing the kill switch.

O. Kiting with Motor On but Not Running:

    • Practice inflations, turning, using the throttle, and using the kill switch on command.

P. PLF (Parachute Landing Fall):

    • Explanation and demonstration of how to perform a PLF, including slightly bent knees, legs together, and rolling onto the hip.

    • Emphasis on protecting the spine and avoiding butt landings.

Q. Securing Equipment:

    • i. Techniques for wing folding, stuffing, and storage to reduce tangles.

    • ii. Postflight and storage procedures for the motor.

This comprehensive ground handling session prepares the student for safe and effective handling of the equipment before progressing to motorized flight.


"PPG 1 Towing" section of the paramotor training curriculum:

PPG 1 Towing (Time: 2:00 or 0:05 if only covering section A)

A. Risks and Their Avoidance:

    • i. Certified Tow Operators:

        • Explanation: Emphasize the importance of using only certified and experienced tow operators, recognized by organizations such as USPPA (United States Powered Paragliding Association) or USHPA (United States Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association).

    • ii. Towing Behind a Vehicle:

        • Explanation: Strongly advise against towing behind a vehicle without a payout winch or a similar mechanism.

        • Reasons: Highlight the risks associated with towing without proper equipment, including lockout, over-stress, and other potential problems.

B. Flying on Tow (if used):

    • i. Hookup:

        • Practical instruction on how to properly hook up to the tow system.

    • ii. Initial Climb:

        • Explanation and demonstration of the initial climb phase during a tow.

    • iii. Pilot Release and Signals to Release:

        • Instruction on the process of releasing from the tow, including the signals used for communication between the pilot and the tow operator.

    • iv. Emergency Procedures:

          • Lockout: Explanation and practice of procedures in case of a lockout during the tow.

          • No Release: Instruction on what to do if there is a failure in the release mechanism.

          • Entanglement: Guidance on handling situations involving entanglement or other emergency scenarios.

This section provides essential knowledge and skills for pilots engaging in towing activities, ensuring they understand the associated risks and know how to handle different aspects of the towing process safely.

"PPG 1 Pre-Solo Motor Use and Safety" section of the paramotor training curriculum:

PPG 1 Pre-Solo Motor Use and Safety - Time: 0:45

A. Preflight Inspection:

    • i. Lift Web, Carabiners & Harness Connection to Frame:

        • Inspection of the lift web, carabiners, and the connection of the harness to the frame for proper attachment and security.

    • ii. Throttle:

        • Check for freedom of movement and ensure the carburetor/linkage resets to idle position.

    • iii. General Condition of Cage, Spark Plug, Muffler, Fuel Tank, and Other Accessories:

        • Visual inspection of the overall condition of the cage, spark plug, muffler, fuel tank, and other motor accessories.

    • iv. Motor:

        • General inspection of the motor for any obvious issues or anomalies.

    • v. Propeller/Redrive/Clutch & Attachment:

        • Ensure these components are free-moving and not hitting the cage or any other parts.

    • vi. Fuel Valve:

        • Check if the fuel valve is on (as installed), the cap is secure, the vent is free, and there is a sufficient quantity of fuel.

    • vii. Electrical Components:

        • Verify that electrical components are connected properly (as installed).

    • viii. Personal Items or Attachments:

        • Confirm that personal items or attachments are clear of the propeller.

B. Starting & Getting In:

    • i. Recheck Throttle:

        • Verify that the throttle is at idle, its position is secure, and it cannot be accidentally increased (stepped on or squeezed).

    • ii. Master On & Choke/Prime:

        • Turn the master on (as installed) and choke/prime the motor as required.

    • iii. Starting Methods:

          • Preferred Method: Pull or electric start while on the pilot's back.

          • Next Best: Have someone else pull start while on the pilot's back.

          • Next Best: Position the body low enough so that full thrust will not catch the pilot off guard. Be prepared for the motor to go to full throttle. NEVER hold by the cage.

    • iv. Risk:

        • Highlight the risk associated with starting the motor, emphasizing that it's the riskiest thing a paramotor pilot does from a serious injury perspective.

    • v. Before Getting In:

        • Ensure the throttle is out of the way. Never reach back towards the cage.

    • vi. Runup:

        • Clear the blast area, perform a run-up, ensure full power is available (using Tachometer), and test the kill switch.

    • vii. Final Preflight Checklist:

        • Complete the final preflight checklist, which may vary based on gear (see appendix).

This section ensures that the pilot thoroughly inspects the paramotor, follows proper starting procedures, and is aware of the associated risks, emphasizing safety throughout the pre-solo motor use process.

"PPG 1 Pre-Solo Simulator" section of the paramotor training curriculum:

PPG 1 Pre-Solo Simulator - Time: 2:00

A. Establish All Harness/Connection Settings and Adjustments with Motor Not Running:

    • Ensure that the student is familiar with and can adjust all harness/connection settings without the motor running.

B. Checklist Use:

    • Emphasize the importance of using the checklist provided by the instructor or found in the appendix.

C. Radio Use:

    • Ensure the student can hear clearly, even at high power. Radio communication is critical during training.

D. Getting into Seat with Motor at High Power:

    • i. Releasing Brakes:

        • Practice releasing brakes first before reaching for the seat board. Emphasize the risks of pulling down the brake(s) while reaching for the seat board, such as stall or spin.

        • Repeat Practice: Reinforce the need to practice this repeatedly for automatic response.

E. Risk of Brake Lines Getting into Propeller and How to Avoid:

    • Highlight the risk of brake lines getting into the propeller and instruct on how to avoid this.

F. Getting Out of Seat:

    • Demonstrate and practice getting out of the seat safely.

G. Rehearse Primary and Secondary Method to Shut Off Motor:

    • Practice both the primary and secondary methods (if available) to shut off the motor.

H. Taking Directions via Radio:

    • Emphasize the importance of clear communication. Any student unwilling or unable to react properly to instructions should be politely removed from training.

I. Visual Signals for Verification or in Case of Radio Failure:

    • Cover basic USPPA signals used by the instructor for verification or in case of radio failure.

J. Rehearse Launch, Climb, Turns, Landing, and Flare:

    • Practice the entire process, including launch, climb, getting in the seat, turns (with clearing, shallow, look up/down, and turn), landing, and flare. Running the motor (if safely secured) adds realism.

K. Emergencies:

    • i. Recognizing Parachutal Stall:

        • Practice recognizing and correcting a parachutal stall.

    • ii. Unexpected Pendulum:

        • Explain what to do in case of unexpected pendulum and the importance of allowing it to dampen out on its own.

    • iii. Reserve Use:

        • Practice reserve deployment using the mnemonic "Kill, Look, Pull, Clear and Throw."

    • iv. Brake Line or Pulley Failure:

        • Rehearse steering options in case of brake line or pulley failure: rear riser turn, weight shift, differential trimmers.

    • v. Spin or Riser Twist:

        • Practice what to do in case of a spin or riser twist.

    • vi. Wing Collapse:

        • Rehearse the response to a wing collapse.

    • vii. Turbulence Encounter:

        • Discuss what to do if turbulence is encountered.

L. Controlling Pitch and Surge with Brakes:

    • Rehearse controlling pitch and surge with brakes. Discuss posture and arm position. Emphasize smooth application and maximum pull position.

M. Surging with Power and Wing Reaction to Power Changes:

    • Rehearse surging with power and go over the wing's reaction to power changes. Emphasize smooth application.

N. Point Out Torque Effect:

    • Explain the torque effect and why it's important to avoid turning against it.

O. Rehearse Student Reaction to Commands:

    • Practice the student's reaction to commands such as brakes, throttle, and kill switch.

P. Brake Position/Pressures While in Flight:

    • Discuss and practice brake positions and pressures while in flight, including maximum safe pull positions.

Q. Landing Preparation:

    • Prepare for landing, including getting out of the seat, throttling idle, and killing the motor with only slight brake pressure.

R. Flare and Landing:

    • Rehearse the flare and landing procedure.

This simulator session ensures that the student is well-prepared for various scenarios and emergencies, allowing for automatic and effective responses during actual flight situations.

"PPG 1 Solo Flight Briefing" section of the paramotor training curriculum:

PPG 1 Solo Flight Briefing - Time: 0:15 (To be done immediately before the flight)

A. Flight Plan Including When and How to Get Into the Seat:

    • Outline the flight plan, emphasizing key points such as altitude goals, route, and planned maneuvers.

    • Clarify when and how the student should get into the seat during the flight.

B. Establish How the Instructor Will Call an Abort or Go:

    • Discuss and establish clear communication signals for the instructor to call an abort or proceed with the flight.

C. Visual Signals:

    • Have the student demonstrate and explain the established visual signals for communication during the flight.

D. Getting Into the Seat:

    • Have the student explain and demonstrate how to get into the seat, emphasizing the importance of keeping hands up during the process.

E. Emergency Procedures:

    • i. Motor Failure:

        • Have the student explain and demonstrate the procedure in case of motor failure, including the actions to take and the proper response.

    • ii. Steering Failure:

        • Similar to motor failure, have the student explain and demonstrate the procedure for steering failure.

    • iii. Parachutal Stall:

        • Discuss and demonstrate the response to a parachutal stall, including the appropriate actions to recover.

F. Pattern and Landing:

    • i. Shutting Off Motor:

        • Instruct the student on when to shut off the motor during the landing sequence.

    • ii. Getting Out of Seat:

        • Explain and demonstrate when the student should get out of the seat, considering factors such as altitude and proximity to the landing area.

    • iii. Landing:

        • Have the student explain and demonstrate the pattern for landing, including the final approach, flare, and touch down.

This briefing ensures that the student is well-prepared for the solo flight, understanding the flight plan, communication signals, emergency procedures, and the landing sequence. Clear communication and demonstration of critical procedures enhance the student's confidence and safety during the solo flight.

"PPG 1 Solo Flight" section of the paramotor training curriculum:

PPG 1 Solo Flight - Time: 0:30

A. After Launch and at Least 100’ of Altitude Gain:

    • Instruct the student to let go of the brake (if required) before getting into the seat.

    • Direct the student to get into the seat after reaching a minimum altitude of 100 feet.

    • If the student is unable to get into the seat, provide guidance to land to avoid the legs going numb.

B. Climb to Safe Altitude:

    • Instruct the student to climb to a safe altitude, with at least 300 feet recommended.

C. Practice Shallow Turns:

    • Direct the student to practice shallow turns as directed.

    • Include at least one 360-degree turn if the student is able and ready.

D. Throttle into Level Flight, Descent, and Back into Climb:

    • Instruct the student to adjust the throttle for level flight.

    • Direct the student to practice controlled descent and then throttle back into climb.

E. Direct the Flight as Necessary:

    • Provide guidance and direction as necessary based on the student's performance.

    • Call out instructions for specific actions, such as when to shut off the motor, when to get out of the seat, and when to execute the flare during the landing sequence.

This solo flight session is designed to allow the student to apply the skills learned during training in a controlled and supervised environment. The instructor's guidance is crucial to ensuring that the student performs maneuvers safely and effectively, building confidence and proficiency in solo flight.

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